We’re pleased to announce that the So & So reading series and magazine have merged with Birds, LLC! To mark the occasion, So & So founder and Birds editor Chris Tonelli and editorial assistants Michael Johnson and Joseph Silvers have revamped the So & So site. It now exists on its own and as a tab on the Birds site. Among other things, it now contains:
- A Series page with details about upcoming readings and an archive of past readings.
- A Media page with links to videos of readings, interviews, broadsides, the So & So Facebook page for you to “Like” and Twitter to follow.
Be sure to check out the latest edition of So & So Magazine, featuring poetry by Vincent Cellucci, MRB Chelko, Jackie Clark, Adam Day, Joe Fletcher, Jennifer H. Fortin, PJ Gallo, Evan Glasson, Alec Hershman, MC Hyland, Matthew Johnstone, Christopher Shipman, Marcus Slease, Mike Smith, and Joseph P. Wood.
We’re also excited to announce that Caroline Gormley has joined the Birds family as an editorial assistant. Welcome aboard, Caroline!
Thanks for supporting Birds, LLC and independent presses in general!
The Editors