Sommer Browning's Good Actors has arrived and will be available exclusively from Birds, LLC until 7/5!

Cover of Good Actors
Good Actors $18
Good Actors book launch at Dikeou Collection in Denver

If you're in Denver on May 27, run—don't walk—to the Dikeou Collection for a book release party for Good Actors and Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s Aerial Concave Without Cloud, 6-8pm.

They will also be screening their short video, Soft Display.

Sommer Browning on Hobart | 1.30.22

Head over to Hobart, and check out Sommer's "Sex is Like Porn in Real Life," from Good Actors.


Sommer reading "Life: A Draft (Prologue), " from Good Actors, at The Volta.

Sommer's interview with Cinthya Arrieu-King

Listen to Sommer's interview with Cynthia Arrieu-King on WLFR's The Last Word.

Sommer's interview with Chris Moore

Sommer and host Chris Moore discuss the nature of reality, what makes comedy funny, the meaning of art & life, and what separates humans from animals on a recent episode of The Situation & the Story podcast.

If you're interested in reviewing Good Actors, adopting it for a class, or inviting Sommer to read or give an interview, contact us at



The Editor

Sommer and her daughter Georgia

Sommer Browning is an author, curator, and artist living in Denver. Her other books include two collections of poetry Backup Singers and Either Way I'm Celebrating (both with Birds, LLC), as well as the artist book, The Circle Book (Cuneiform Press), the joke book You're On My Period (Counterpath), and others. In 2017, she founded GEORGIA, an art space in her garage in Denver. Her poetry, art writing, and visual art have appeared in Hyperallergic, Bomb, jubilat, Chicago Review, Entropy, and elsewhere. She is a librarian.