Tender Data is Monica McClure's debut poetry collection. She is the author of the chapbooks Mood Swing and Mala.
Craig Morgan Teicher writes for NPR about the books he's looking forward to in 2015, including Monica McClure's Tender Data
A fantastic interview with poet Monica McClure can be read at Paperbag's blog
All Joking Aside: Jenny Zhang and Monica McClure
A conversation about humor, race, and the search for decolonized jokes
Maybe Just Sharpen the Weirdness: A Dialogue with Sasha Fletcher & Monica McClure
Monica McClure reviews Melissa Broder's Scarecrone (Publishing Genius Press 2014) for Emily Books!
New York Daily News full-page, full-color feature on New York City's "young women poets," specifically Trisha Low, Monica McClure, Ana Božičević, Lisa Marie Basile, Alina Gregorian, and Camille Rankine
The poets featured in the New York Daily News profile respond to some of the criticism that was leveled their way upon publication